Top 7 = The PTSD / families documentary is live!
Jul 30, 2023This weekend we hosted the first two screenings of Trauma Comes Home, our new release from Crosswinds Foundation for Faith & Culture / Front Porch Media. The film has been in the works for… really… about a decade.
Back in 2014, Crosswinds released the first feature length documentary, Invisible Scars— an in-depth look at PTSD. Though a common topic of conversation now, at that point, it was ground-breaking. No one was talking about “invisible scars.”
The second film followed just a few years later (Honoring the Code), dealing with the subject of Moral Injury (read: guilt and shame / survivor’s guilt / the conscience / spiritual distress).
From there, we began writing…
π We created the Warrior Hope curriculum— and shot video + created leadership resources
π We wrote a book on the family (Hope for the Warrior Family)
π We penned a 6-lesson Bible study on PTSD & Moral Injury
In the process of all of this, it became apparent we needed to not only address the needs of warriors, but the needs of the entire family. Hence, Trauma Comes Home.
I write more about it below…
When I got home from the first screening, I noticed one of the kids has labeled our bananas.
I knew how the culprit PROBABLY was—
“Yeah, I did it so people would know which banana they were getting.”
The banana-incident following the film reminded me that life is full of BIG things (i.e., new film release by the organization you work for) AND small things (kids labeling bananas).
Both the big and small are equally sweet and to be savored…
And that’s part of the reason I write the Top 7– for me— to look back and enjoy (to even be reminded of) some of the moments worth tucking in my memory.
That said, here’s the rest of the Top 7, a review of something worthy holding onto from each of the 7 key areas of life.
Fitness = consistent, all week
This week, I was consistent. All week.
Morning runs.
A few morning workouts.
Again, I feel better when I wake up and move in the morning, first thing, before everything else gets going.
Finance = fixing the garage
Last weekend, we tore into the wall (far right of the pic below), to replace the electric panel.
The previous owners did a great job maintaining the home— and, at some point— put thing wood over the studs in the garage. As long as I’ve had it, it’s looked more like a room than a garage.
But, the thin wood tears easy— especially when you cut into it (as I’ve had to do a few times, to repair plumbing… and, now, the full panel). I always figure that, at some point, I would run wood across the entire wall— and match the #TinyHouse.
This week, with the torn wall, was the time.
Last Sunday, I rode to Home Depot, grabbed the planks, pulled out the saw, and got to work. I was reminded that—
π οΈ I enjoy working on our house.
π οΈ It always saves a chunk of cash when do it myself.
Mini, above, helped me clean up after it was all done…
And, thus, here’s the garage.
Family = Momma J & Daddy J came down, Em scooted over before zipping out, Levi’s birthday
My parents rolled down from HSV to see the first screening of Trauma Comes Home. Em, who was rolling out the next day BACK to Los Angeles, dropped by for a super-fast visit.
The flag below is the backdrop we used to take pictures of attendees.
Beth and I went to lunch with them— and Levi— Saturday to celebrate his 17th (birthdate = 8/8).
They give the kids a special gift on their 17th, so we were able to enjoy this moment together.
Field = First screenings done
The first weekend of August we head to Chicago to share the film…
… then to Ohio…
… then to Birmingham…
… the to Oklahoma…
… and onward.
Before screening the film in other places we thought it was important to show it do donors and friends first. So, we hosted two screenings at The Homewood Theatre in Soho (Friday & Saturday).
Bob (left) is the President & Founder of Crosswinds. Staff (a retired Air Force Colonel) is one of the gentlemen how has been a MAJOR supporter and help to us— and is spearheading the efforts in Ohio. Eugene (next to me, third from left) is the co-director of this film AND helped create the previous Crosswinds releases.
Faith = Where some of it began…
I reached out to a friend, Les, this week. Last I remembered, he had one of my “stands” (the kind you use to put outside, to direct people into buildings.
“Do you by chance have it?” I texted.
He thought so— and said he would check next time he was at the storage unit.
“I found some books, too,” he replied. “I’ll drop them off, also…”
The books… were the first two books I penned when I was in the essential oil world… 9 years ago.
Here’s what they reminded me of…
Those were the first books I wrote that I actually began selling online, to groups of people I didn’t know. Marketing them— creating the webpages and the email sequences and the videos and everything else that went with them— was how I began learning to do the things I do now.
For sure, I’ve written— and enjoyed writing— for a long time.
But these books were a marker— in that I began SELLING stuff.
Furthermore, I later discerned I could use the same processes I used with those books to ALSO write what I wanted to write— to teach people about grace, freedom, purpose, and empowerment… to help people move from where they are to where they’re designed to be…
In other words, after a season, I pivoted to my purpose— using the processes I learned in business.
When I looked at this box— a box I didn’t even realize existed— I was reminded—
God truly does use all things to work together for our good (Romans 8:28f.). And that’s not just the bad experiences— or missteps— it’s the good, too. And the ones you don’t even realize will fit OR are actually preparing you for something “more.”
If you’ve bought a book on my website…
Or watched a video…
Or engaged with a course…
Or listened to a podcast…
Or enjoyed an audiobook…
It all roots back to THOSE books above…
Friends = came to see the film
I enjoyed inviting SEVERAL friends to the film this weekend… and showing them a piece of what we do at Crosswinds.
Fun = What can I say?
Beth and I clocked out Saturday for a few hours, chilled… and watched TV.
Sometimes “fun” is the busy and active stuff… sometimes it’s the slowing down— especially when so much has been going on.
That’s the highlight reel for the week.
If you’re just now dropping in, each week I look back at the week behind + preview the week ahead— so I don’t miss anything— and look and highlight at least one thing for which I’m grateful in each of the 7 key areas of life…
π Fitness
π Family
π Field (work, career)
π Faith
π Friends
π Fun
I record THREE things each day that I’m thankful for...
... and then, at the end of the week, I look back and bring the “best of” to my weekly review. I write it here— as I reflect.
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