Top 7 = out with Baby Ivey, Advance 14.0 is live
Sep 04, 2023This week's Top 7...
Fitness = Long, easy Saturday run
Saturday, I woke up, laced up the running shoes, and bounced out the front door…
One of my favorite Saturday routines is to take a long, easy run around the neighborhoods— 8-10 miles. Sometimes I go less, sometimes I go more. I generally run the pace I feel and adjust as I decide…
Family = Connecting with 3 of the older kids… taking Ivey out
There was one “odd” day this week when, randomly, I connected with three of the older kids on a single day. That rarely happens…
π Em needed something in LA
π Noah needed to borrow the SUV to move from an apartment to a house
π Ivey wanted to go out to eat
We sorted what everyone needed— and then Ivey and I visited The Battery in Homewood, which is in the former Little Donkey. The weather was fare so we sat outside…
… and then cruised over to the Nike store, where I almost grabbed a new set of running shoes.
Field = Off-site work meeting
Beth and I needed to run through a few Facebook ads for a book launch campaign AND some of those types of convos just work better off-site, away from the house.
We had a few hours before we needed to pick up one of the kids from football practice, so we rolled down the road to Beer Hog in Pelham, where they have great pizza, fabulous appetizers, and a statue of Captain Morgan.
TBH, we probably work a WHOLE LOT more than 40 hours a week…
… by working from home.
But, I enjoy the flexibility of the scheduling.
Faith = Into the books of Paul
This week I grabbed my Passion Translation of the “Letters of Paul” for my morning coffee / prayer / Scripture reading / study / devotion / whatever-you-want-to-call-this time…
I’m still processing some of what I’ve been reading…
… and decided that I’ll boomerang back through it as soon as I finish the book (b/c it’s a newer translation to me, as far as deeper reading goes, and I know there’s so much I want to revisit already AND likely so much that I missed.)
Here’s one of my biggest observations…
π the amount of time Paul references love
π the weight Scripture places on the overflow of love from us and to others as verification the Father is moving THROUGH us
π love, above other actions, as a mark of the Spirit’s work in us…
Friends = Sidewalk Film festival + Monday zooms
Our friend McKinnon (his company MacMedia set up the initial framework and does the hosting for our Warriors on Mission sites at Crosswinds) had a film in this year’s Sidewalk Film Festival.
It’s about a series of murals being painted throughout the Black Belt, all highlighting things of historical and geographic significance. In a sense, they tell a story, especially when strung together.
Here’s a look at his webpage—https://revolutionofjoyfilm.com
I dropped in on his pre-screening reception at the B&A warehouse.
I also recorded a few Zooms on Monday, getting the audio together for season 4 of the Warrior Hope podcast.
In the next season, we’ll focus on “Disentangled,” the concepts we teach in the latest Crosswinds book, a 6-lesson Bible study on PTSD, Moral Injury, and moving forward into your next mission.
Fun = Advance 14.0 is up & live…
One of the highlights of my year USED to be the two Advance events…
We always hosted one in the Fall (usually September) and one in February.
After 5 years off (for me), the events are back up…
… the next being held in Birmingham, this November.
Here’s a link to learn more, reserve tickets, etc.
π www.EatSleepAdvance.com/14
(And, we’ve got more resources on the way.)
This week I finished pushing my way back through the entire book— a project I’ve worked on for a few years now, in various capacities.
I’ll give you a sneak peek of the book next week…
I found this gem…
I found this pic this week while looking through my phone for something else.
Mini is 2 here (now, 13).
We joke around the house that she’s got a knack for always tossing stuff in the grocery cart whenever we’re at the store— that she decides she wants something, grabs it, and then you learn about it when you get to the checkout.
She’s kinda always been like that…
I snapped this photo at Academy Sports over a decade ago. The boys were playing soccer and all needed cleats.
The team’s coach was unable to coach that year, b/c of work commitments, so I slid in and began leading them. After all, I was going to stay at practice anyway— no sense in driving 15 minutes to the field, only to sit at the house for 30-45 minutes, and then driving back in traffic…
Mini always got out of the car, stepped off the sidelines, and joined me on the field.
She decided she needed cleats, too. So, when the boys were trying theirs on and getting fitted, she found a small pair with pink stripes (unseen on the sides) and pink laces…
… and, well, began wearing them every time we went to the field.
That’s the highlight reel for the week.
If you’re just now dropping in, each week I look back at the week behind + preview the week ahead— so I don’t miss anything— and look and highlight at least one thing for which I’m grateful in each of the 7 key areas of life…
π Fitness
π Family
π Field (work, career)
π Faith
π Friends
π Fun
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