The Healing Workshop
Discover how to be physically healed and live well-- with or without a miracle
A healthy + healed you can best do the great things you do every day.
I don't know about you, but a few years ago my health was in the gutter. I thought it was just part of "getting old."
I was wrong.
There is a better way...
I learned a simple process-- backed by science, history, and Scripture-- which empowers you to live well.
If you can remember these three concepts you can walk in total wholeness.

THINK = Foundation. Belief / faith- deals with the important concepts of believing the right things about our Father, about healing, and about faith. This is, really, the starting point.

TOUCH = Expression. Sharing His heart with others, even without using words. In this section we will talk about the practical steps used for healing in the Bible.

TELL = Declaration. Communication- touching the entire person (body, soul, and spirit), carrying the presence and power of the kingdom with you, and focusing on what is right and pure…
7 videos you can watch + re-watch (with the accompanying workbook) will empower you with the simple tools that have worked for others that will also work for you!

We'll start with THE BIG IDEA- the concept of healing in general and how YOU and I were grafted into this story!
In this video I'll give you some of my own story- about how I walked into this "healing" thing... and, I'll give you the reason I started writing again.
(In all honesty, I had taken a break from it to focus on other things. This project seemingly came from "nowhere" and helped pull me back into my purpose).

As I studied this "healing + health" thing, I noticed something peculiar: we make it a LOT more complex that it has to be...
In Genesis 1 we read that God gave us every seed bearing plant for food (Genesis 1:29). The word for food in Hebrew is oklah- and means "foods and medicines" or "foods and items for healing." In other words, God gave healing before sin ever entered the equation.
Some people say He knew, in His wisdom, that we would sin and that we would need healing. So, He planned ahead of schedule so things would be ready.
However, we also find healing in Heaven:
- In Revelation, John tells us that the leaves of the Tree of Life are for the healing of the nations (Revelation 22:2).
- Ezekiel saw the same image as John and said the fruit of that tree is for food- and its leaves are for healing (Ezekiel 47:12).
In other words, you were created for this! Health + healing is our natural state- not something we're striving to attain!

Let's define our terms...
- When I talk about "healing" I'm talking about something God does.
- And when I talk about "health" I'm talking about choices we make!
This concept is so fundamental to what I learned about health + healing, that I actually take an entire lesson to talk about WHY this is true.
Knowledge is power, and this information will empower you!

From there, we'll learn about the most powerful force in the universe...
Scientists say it is, anyway.
And if you notice how often Jesus went out of His way to DO this one, you could argue that He thought it was pretty important, too.
The second habit we study is "touch." Incredibly, this is actually one of the most power habits- yet one of the most overlooked.
Scientists and doctors are discovering, now, that humans are actually wired for touch.
- We can communicate with touch.
- Teams that are "touchier" (i.e., sports teams that give high fives, fist bumps, etc.), rally together better...
... there's something amazing about touch.

Now, the elephant in the room. The laying on of hands + anointing with oils thing.
I'll show you how this theme is threaded throughout the Bible- and throughout history. And, you'll see that this is something Jesus taught- and empowered- the disciples to do.
In fact, you see this one in the Bible far more than we see baptism + communion combined. So, we'll take some time and untangle it.
(And, we'll talk about whether or not it's just symbolic or it does something tangible to create measurable change.)

As I studied the concept of healing more & more, I was surprised by the power of words.
And, at some point we must use those words to set a new reality into motion!
True healing focuses on the entire person. Not just the body. And not just the spirit, either. So, as we begin praying and declaring truth over your situation- or anyone else's- we want to remember that true healing isn't limited to the body. True healing effects all of life.
In fact, true healing may begin in the mind or spirit and then, finally, manifest in the body! And it's often tied to the words we declare!

The starting point for taking healing + health to others is yourself.
In fact, even greater than the things that will be done through you are the incredible things that are going to be done to you and for you.
If you have hang-ups or doubts about the goodness of God (think right about God, habit 1) or faith or healing... then dig in and find out what your issues are...
If you are unsure about the relationship between Scripture and "new age" oils (which, really, are extremly old!), then explore the reasons why.
Ask questions...
... and find freedom.

Finally, after moving through hangups, doubts, and question marks, I'll outline a simple healing model you can use for anyone in any situation- and get results!
Our goal is for this to be easy... natural... for it simply to be an overflow of who you are.
You carry the presence and the power of the Kingdom with you, so this lesson taps into the true you and the power of Heaven all at once!
Healing + Health is more accessible that you may have dreamed possible.
You'll learn that it doesn't always require a miracle! (In fact, you'll see that Jesus healing with AND without miracles, as did the disciples.)
You'll learn truths backed by SCIENCE + SCRIPTURE + CENTURIES of human thinking experience.
With each concept we discuss, you'll "feel" yourself awakening to the reality that you're designed to be well- and you'll be empowered to impart that same hope to others!

More important than learning the concepts, you'll discover how to practically apply them...
And these four bonuses-- valued at over $300-- will help!

Bonus 1 = the complete workbook ($37 value)
You'll receive instant access to download the 194-plus page eBook. Place it on as many of your devices as'd like.
Follow along as we teach the lessons with this fill-in-the-blank style book. (Or, for those of you who can't wait, just flip to the back, get the answers, and learn on your way, watching the videos at your own pace.)
Full of graphics, illustrations, and charts, this book will become a go-to manual that you'll visit and revisit.

Bonus 2 = the live workshop ($197 value)
Not only will you receive the entire healing workshop, you'll receive the ENTIRE WORKSHOP x 2!
- I first recorded the workshop in an awesomely quaint studio in an up-and-coming area near downtown Birmingham. With this version, I teach you 1:1.
- Later, we recorded a live workshop I taught at an all-day Saturday event.
You'll receive both versions with your registration for this online course!

Bonus 3 = the audio files ($77 value)
Sometimes it's easier to listen than watch-- because you can learn while you're driving or exercising or doing chores around the house.
We pulled the audio together for the entire course and have made it available for you, asw well.

Get access here.
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- Watch / listen / review as often as you'd like
- 30 day money back guarantee