A grace-based 12-step resource providing you a proven path to walk away from addiction and into freedom

The tool you need in order to
Leave the past + walk into your purpose
It's time for your #FreedomMarch
Purchase HereIt doesn't matter how low you've gone. Grace is deeper than rock-bottom, and the power of the Spirit quickens you to experience freedom.
Maybe you just need a plan to get there, to start stepping, to experience the life you know you're destined to live.
The Freedom Recovery gives you simple tools, practical actions to move from where you are to where you're designed to be in the area of soul freedom
If you're ready to kick a bad habit to the curb-- and forge a path forward-- register today!

Here's the book we developed "in the trenches" while helping HUNDREDS of others find freedom!
We tested and tweaked it, adjusting the lessons and changing the ACTION STEPS at the end of each chapter, over and over, until we got the REAL RESULTS we wanted to see!
- Heroine addicts free and leading in ministry- done!
- Pain killers for a legit medical condition turned into a full-blown addiction- gone!
- Alcoholism- no more!
- Suicidal thoughts, depression, shame + guilt and / or voices in the mind- erased and silenced!
- Porn addictions- vanished!
- Priorties out of whack- marriages restored, families rebuilt!
This is your step-by-step path to freedom + wholeness.

First, we're going to define where you are now!
Before heading anywhere, you've got to "own" where you are now. There's no shame in it- this is simply our starting point for the journey!
Here's another part of defining current reality, as well: your story has power now- and it's going to have MORE power later...
Your freedom-story will become the roadmap for someone else walking the same path you've trekked.

Second, we'll look down the road- and see where it is that you're about to go!
Aim at nothing, you'll succeed every time.
On the other hand, the Bible tells us that if we commit our ways to the Lord, our plans are certain to succeed. And, we read that He can do immeasurably beyond anything we can ask, think, or imagine.

Third, as you walk through this 12-step program, you'll use the tools at the end of each chapter to make your day-by-day plan for that week!
Since you know what you're going to do each day, you won't find yourself with "idle time" and a wanderind mind.
You'll find youself focusing on the things that you've decided matter the most to you, and you'll work on them every single day (at the pace you set).

Fourth, finally, you're going to see movement... and that movement turns into momentum!
The more small steps you take, the greater the change will be. Sure, some of the steps are so small that the distance between two of them is virtually unnoticable (this is why so many people IGNORE them- they don't think small changes actually matter).
In time, you won't recognize who you've become!
This is the process we used for hundreds of men and women when I was working in addiction & recovery centers.
It's GUARANTEED TO WORK FOR YOU, too, regardless of how big or small you're hang-up is.

First, you can start learning today with videos + eBook-
You'll have access to download the complete eBook. You can put it on as many of your devices as you need to. Place it on your computer. Your iPad. Your smartphone.

Second, you'll have one video per Step. Use it as an intro to the chapter- then use it as a review when you're done!
These videos are perfect to give you the big picture, impart vision to you for your future, and inspire you to continue taking the next best step!

Third, I'll be your virtual coach. Every few days, I'll send you quotes, inspirational nuggets, and tips to cheer you on!
Let's be real: everyone one of us could use more hope, right?
And another cheerleader?
Consider it done. You'll never be on your own in this process!

Fourth, you'll have access to all the bonus content for each Step.
At the end of each chapter in the book, I provide you a short list of resources for further study.
For those of you who want to go deeper, all the resources- videos, audio teachings, etc.- are all available in the online course. And, they're sorted by step!

Fifth, you'll be able to learn from others who are experiencing- or who HAVE experienced ARE VICTORS- of the same thing you're going through.
Be sure to check the comment thread that accompanies each video, each audio post, and each short written post throughout the online course. The comments always contain some of the best takeaways!

Sixth, take it everywhere you go!
The course is mobile friendly. And, since you can access the content from as many devices as you'd like, you can study at home, at the library, or on-the-go. That's right, login from your smartphone and redeem your lunch break!
Complete your checkout for INSTANT ACCESS to the digital products (video + audio + eBook)

This one is great for groups, too!
Sure, you can power through the material on your own, but we're all better together.
So, if you've got a small group, a 12-step gathering you host or lead, or even a Bible study, consider The Next Best Step as the next best step for your group, too!

And, it's RISK FREE! You can't lose!
If this tool doesn't work for you- if your spirit doesn't soar after watching the videos + reviewing the workbook... if you don't see a path to walk in health + healing...
Then let us know within 30 days for a full refund- no questions asked.